Parishes are Opening—What Do We Do Now?

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Every parish has a particular culture. How would you define yours? If you don’t believe you have a parish culture, that is part of your culture and it’s a problem. People on your teams and in the pews can identify what’s attractive and what’s off-putting in the parish. They likely talk about what it is and what it is not outside of Mass and after your meetings.  How would your occasional congregants describe the spirit of your parish community? Do the events and activities attract new people and compel others to return? Pray and discern about where and how your parish can begin. Then move forward on your missional goal (see Item 7). There are sure to be hidden talents in every parish flock that can help along the way to minister to all the souls in the parish. This is after all, the pastoral charge of every parish priest.

Parishes are Opening—What Do We Do Now?

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