Gender Advocates and Matt Walsh Debate Explained! What is a Woman? – YouTube

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Gender Advocates and Matt Walsh Debate Explained! What is a Woman?

From Dr. Phil Show – Have you ever noticed pronouns such as she or her” written in someone’s email signature? Pronouns are words that can be used to refer to someone without using their name – most commonly, “she” or “he.” But, there are a growing number of people who say they do not identify with gender binaries of “man” or “woman” and therefore prefer to use other pronouns such as “they.” Supporters say using a person’s choice of pronouns fosters an inclusive environment and affirms a person’s own gender identity. Some critics say they do not want to feel forced by others to use these pronouns — or get “canceled” if they refuse.

Gender Advocates and Matt Walsh Debate Explained! What is a Woman? – YouTube
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