Cursed Cultus or Worthy Worship: The Choice that Faces Us – YouTube

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This talk was given on October 18, 2022, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA, at a booklaunch sponsored by Sophia Institute Press for Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s “The Catholic Mass.” Also present, as moderator, was Diane Montagna, the book’s translator (as the original edition is in Italian, one of numerous languages that the bishop speaks fluently).

Cursed Cultus or Worthy Worship: The Choice that Faces Us – YouTube
Cursed Cultus or Worthy Worship: The Choice that Faces Us

The main theme: Tradition is not the lazy repetition of the past on the part of a present generation lacking in creativity or adaptability; it is not a nostalgic hankering after something we no longer have but wish we did. It is, rather, the attitude of humble receptivity that welcomes, cherishes, and rejoices in the treasury of the Church as the family of God and the people of God, on pilgrimage through time, carrying in their arms and hearts all the riches bestowed upon them. It is only the rootless, individualistic, self-sufficient, self-centered, arrogant modern man who cares nothing for his family heritage. In truth, We receive what the Greek tradition calls “the divine liturgy” from God through the Church—not the Church of a single day or a single moment, much less the churchmen intoxicated with the Zeitgeist, but the Church throughout history—and we hand it down faithfully.Show less


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