The Tomb and Burial Vault of King Edward IV in St George’s Chapel Windsor – YouTube

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This is the first half of a two-part series on the burial places of two kings, who were rivals in life, but who share a united burial place in death – St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle. They are King Edward IV and King Henry VI. In this first part, I look at the burial place of Edward IV, the rebuilding of St George’s chapel, his intention to create a lavish memorial for himself, and what that might have looked like. I go on to examine what survives of those intentions,, and the tomb as it exists. I look at how his body was prepared for burial, before looking at evidence from the interior of his burial vault and his coffin, last seen in the late 18th century.

The Tomb and Burial Vault of King Edward IV in St George’s Chapel Windsor – YouTube
The Tomb and Burial Vault of King Edward IV in St George's Chapel Windsor

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