New Liturgical Movement: Emblems of the Wounds in the Body and Heart of Christ Painted Onto a Candle

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We are in the Christmas season, but thought it would do no harm for us to connect the newly born Christ to his life, ministry, death and resurrection through the unusual art featured today that seems to bind these essential elements of salvation history all together. Gina Switzer is a Catholic artist who paints Easter candles. I think she has surpassed herself in these ones which are decorated with designs based upon the “Vulnerary of Christ”, that is, emblems of the wounds of Christ, incorporated into a cross. 

Her design, as she explains in her description of it, relates the life and death of Christ on the cross to his resurrection by directing our attention, through the symbolism of the flowers she uses, to paradise. You can read more about the candles and order them here

Gina wrote:  (click link below…)

New Liturgical Movement: Emblems of the Wounds in the Body and Heart of Christ Painted Onto a Candle

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