Here’s How to Pray this Year’s Novena for Life That Starts on Jan. 12| National Catholic Register

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Each day consists of a prayer intention, an intercession, a petition for virtue, a life program intention, a prayer offering, a deeper reflection, and a pro-life novena prayer.

A baby in the womb.
A baby in the womb. (photo: Ivon19 / (CC-BY-SA-4.0))

Katie Yoder/CNANationJanuary 12, 2023

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Catholic Conference and the Knights of Columbus in that state are inviting Catholics nationwide to join them in praying a Novena for Life to promote the sanctity of life.

The novena — a prayer said for nine consecutive days — begins on Thursday, Jan. 12, and concludes on Friday, Jan. 20, the date of the national March for Life in Washington, D.C.

“In our current situation, we choose to pray for the restoration of respect for the sanctity of all human life, which is the most urgent need of our day,” the novena’s introduction reads. “Our novena is a sustained form of prayer and an act of faith that addresses systemic evils such as legalized abortion, euthanasia, and all other attacks against human life and against the institution of the family in our society.”

The faithful can find the novena and instructions for how to recite it at Each day consists of a prayer intention, an intercession, a petition for virtue, a life program intention, a prayer offering, a deeper reflection, and a pro-life novena prayer.


Here’s How to Pray this Year’s Novena for Life That Starts on Jan. 12| National Catholic Register

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