The law-free zone of human sexuality and the Church today – Catholic World Report

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It is a cliché to note that sexual mores have “changed.” While it is not wrong to say that sexual norms have “changed,” the prevalence of this language tends to obscure the specificity of what has actually occurred.

(Image: Yoav Hornung/

Examining the various components of the philosophy driving the proponents of the sexual revolution, as well as many Catholic progressives, a good summary of their various proposals is simply this: the entire realm of human sexuality is not to be governed by law. Sex is, so to speak, a “law-free zone”. Although rarely advertised as such (it’s still too radical for most people), a thoughtful investigation of progressive thought—both secular and Catholic—reveals that this expression is, in fact, an accurate summary.

In other words, the entire realm of traditional moral thinking, and the rules it places on the exercise of human sexuality, is to be completely eliminated. It is to be replaced by a free exercise of choice unrestrained by anything that Western thought hitherto has recognized as a law.1


The law-free zone of human sexuality and the Church today – Catholic World Report

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