Evening Meditations for Easter Friday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

The Divine Son of God, through His love towards us, has given Himself wholly to us: Who loved me, and delivered himself for me (Gal. 20). In order to redeem us from everlasting death, and to recover for us the Divine grace and Heaven which we had forfeited, He became Man, and assumed flesh like our own: Et verbum caro factum est; And the word was made flesh. Behold, then, a God reduced to nothingness: But emptied himself, taking the form of a servant… and in habit found as a man (Philipp. 7). Behold the Sovereign Lord of the world humbling Himself so low as to subject Himself to all the miseries which the rest of men endure… 

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Easter Friday

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Easter Friday

Easter Friday ~ Dom Prosper Guéranger

Eight days ago, we were standing near the cross, on which died the Man of Sorrows, abandoned by His Father, and rejected, by a solemn judgment of the Synagogue, as a false Messias: and lo! this is the sixth time the sun has risen upon our earth since the voice of the Angel was heard proclaiming the Resurrection of this adorable Victim. The Church, His widowed spouse, then lay prostrate before the justice of the eternal God and Father who spared not even His own Son, because He had taken upon Himself the likeness of sin; but now she is feasting in the sight of her Jesus’ triumph, for He bids her be exceedingly glad. But if within this glad Octave there be one day, rather than another, on which she should proclaim His triumph, it surely is the Friday; for it was on that day she saw Him filled with reproaches and crucified.

Morning Meditations for Easter Friday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

Oh, what a safe place of refuge shall we not find in the sacred “clefts of the rock,” that is to say, in the Wounds of Jesus Christ? “The clefts of the rock,” says St. Peter Damian, “are the Redeemer’s Wounds; in these my soul has placed its hope.”

Evening Meditations for Easter Thursday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, when she held any beautiful flower in her hand, was enkindled by the sight of it with love for God, and would say: “And God, then, has thought from all eternity of creating this flower for love of me!” Thus did that flower become, as it were, a dart of love, which sweetly wounded her, and united her more and more to her God. On the other hand, St. Teresa, at the sight of trees, fountains, rivers, lakes, or meadows, declared that all these fair things upbraided her for her ingratitude in loving so coldly a God Who created them that they might draw her to His love… 

Easter Thursday ~ Dom Prosper Guéranger

After having glorified the Lamb of God, and the Passover whereby our Lord destroyed our enemies; after having celebrated our deliverance by water, and our entrance into the Promised Land; let us now fix our respectful gaze upon Him whose triumph is prefigured by all these prodigies. So dazzling is the glory that now beams from this Man-God that, like the prophet of Patmos, we shall fall prostrate before Him. But He is so wonderful, too, in his love, that He will encourage us to enjoy the grand vision…

Easter Thursday ~ Dom Prosper Guéranger

After having glorified the Lamb of God, and the Passover whereby our Lord destroyed our enemies; after having celebrated our deliverance by water, and our entrance into the Promised Land; let us now fix our respectful gaze upon Him whose triumph is prefigured by all these prodigies. So dazzling is the glory that now beams from this Man-God that, like the prophet of Patmos, we shall fall prostrate before Him. But He is so wonderful, too, in his love, that He will encourage us to enjoy the grand vision…

Morning Meditations for Easter Thursday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

The earth, the heavens, and all nature with astonishment beheld Jesus, the only-begotten Son of God, the Lord of the Universe, die of intense pain and anguish, on a disgraceful Cross — and why? He hath loved us and hath delivered himself for us (Eph. v. 2). And do men believe this and not love God?

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation: Easter Wednesday

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Easter Wednesday

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Easter Wednesday