Spiritual Reading for Thursday – Fourth Week After Pentecost

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Spiritual Reading



Behold I stand at the gate and knock-(Apoc. iii. 20)

O most loving Shepherd, Who, not satisfied with sacrificing Thyself once to death on the altar of the Cross for the love of Thy flock, hast moreover been pleased to hide Thyself in this divine Sacrament on the altars of our churches, to be always near, and to knock at the doors of our hearts, and thus obtain admission! Ah, did I but know how to enjoy Thy nearness to me as did the sacred Spouse in the Canticles, who says: I sat down under his shadow, whom I desired-(Cant. ii. 3). Ah, did I but love Thee, did I but really love Thee, my most amiable Jesus, I also should never wish to leave the foot of a Tabernacle, night or day; and fixing myself near Thy Majesty, concealed under the apparent shadow of the sacred species, I also should find that divine sweetness and that happiness which souls enamoured of Thee find in Thy Presence. Ah, do Thou be graciously pleased to draw me by the odour of Thy beauties, and of the immense love which Thou dost manifest in this Sacrament: Draw me, we will run after thee to the odour of thine ointments-(Cant. i. 3). Yes, my Saviour, I will leave creatures and all earthly pleasures, to run after Thee in this Sacrament: As olive plants round about thy table -(Ps. cxxvii. 3). Oh, what abundant fruits of virtues do those happy souls, like olive plants, bring forth to God, who assist with love before the sacred Tabernacle! But I am ashamed to appear before Thee, O my Jesus, so naked and so devoid of virtue. Thou hast commanded that all who approach the altar to honour Thee should present a gift: Thou shalt not appear empty before me -(Exod. xxiii. 15). What, then, am I to do? Am I no more to appear before Thee? Ah, no; this would not please Thee. Poor as I am, I will approach Thee; and do Thou provide me with the gifts Thou desirest. I see that Thou dwellest in this Sacrament, not only to reward Thy lovers, but also to provide for the poor out of Thy riches.

Be it so, then, let us now begin. I adore Thee, O King of my heart, and true Lover of men. O Shepherd, loving Thy sheep beyond all bounds, to this throne of Thy love I now approach; and having nothing else to present Thee, I offer Thee my miserable heart, that it may be entirely consecrated to Thy love and to Thy good pleasure. With this heart I can love Thee, and I will love Thee as much as I am able. Draw it, then, to Thyself, and bind it wholly to Thy will, so that, filled with consolation, I may be able from henceforth to say, as Thy dear disciple said, that I am bound by the chains of Thy love: I, Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ-(Eph. iii. 1). Unite me, O my Lord, entirely to Thyself, and make me forget myself, that I may have the happiness one day to lose all things and even myself, to find Thee alone, and to love Thee forever. I love Thee, my Sacramental Lord. To Thee do I bind myself, to Thee do I unite myself. Make me find Thee; make me love Thee, and do Thou never more separate Thyself from me.

Ejac. My Jesus, Thou alone art sufficient for me!


My Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I desire to possess Thee within my soul. Since I am unable now to receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Thee as already there, and unite myself wholly to Thee; never permit me to be separated from Thee.


St. Bernard calls Mary “the royal road of the Saviour”; the safe road by which to find the Saviour and salvation. Since, then, it is true, O Queen, that thou art, as the same Saint says, “the chariot in which our souls go to God”-the one who guides us to Him, ah, Lady, thou must not suppose that I shall advance towards God if thou dost not carry me in thine arms! Carry me, carry me; and if I resist, carry me by main force. Do all the violence thou canst by the sweet attractions of thy charity to my soul and to my rebellious will, that they may leave creatures, to seek God alone and His divine will. Show the court of Heaven the greatness of thy power. After so many wonders of thy mercy, show this one more; make a poor creature who is far from God wholly His.

Ejac. O Mary, thou canst make me a saint; I hope for this grace from thee!

Concluding Prayer

Most holy Immaculate Virgin and my Mother Mary, to thee, who art the Mother of my Lord, and Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I have recourse today I, who am the most miserable of all. I render thee my most humble homage, O great Queen, and I thank thee for all the graces thou hast conferred on me until now, particularly for having delivered me from hell, which I have so often deserved. I love thee, O most amiable Lady; and for the love which I bear thee, I promise to serve thee always, and to do all in my power to make others love thee also. I place in thee all my hopes; I confide my salvation to thy care. Accept me for thy servant, and receive me under thy mantle, O Mother of Mercy. And since thou art so powerful with God, deliver me from all temptations, or rather obtain for me the strength to triumph over them until death. Of thee I ask a perfect love of Jesus Christ. From thee I hope to die a good death.

O my Mother, for the love which thou bearest to God, I beseech thee to help me at all times, but especially at the last moment of my life. Leave me not, I beseech thee, until thou seest me safe in Heaven, blessing thee, and singing thy mercies for all eternity. Amen. So I hope. So may it be.

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