Carissimi; Today’s Mass: St Patrick of Ireland

Whilst in the fifth century of the Franks, Germans, and other northern peoples had not yet received the light of the Gospel, God raised up “The confessor and bishop St. Patrick to announce His glory to the pagans” of Ireland (Collect)…

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Fourth Monday in Lent

The church of the Collecta, built in the seventh century, is the location for today’s Holy Mass. The church is the Station at the Church of the Four Holy Crowned Martyrs. Their relics are venerated in this sanctuary along with the head of the martyr St. Sebastian, an officer of the army of Diocletian. In the fifth century this church was one of the twenty-five parishes of Rome.

Station Saturday Lent III: Statio ad St Susannam

Grant, we pray Thee, Almighty God,that Thy servants, who afflict their bodies by fasting,may also abstain from sin and following

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Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Third Monday in Lent

The scriptural passages read to-day have in mind the Eastern origin of the titular patrons of the Basilica, and tell us, therefore, of the Syrian Naaman, who, rejecting the grander rivers of Damascus, was cleansed from his leprosy in the lesser waters of the Jordan. Catechumen desiring to be healed from the leprosy of infidelity and original sin, must humble themselves, and, abandoning the rivers of Damascus- that is, the attractions if their former worldly life- must wash themselves clean in the pure waters of holy baptism.

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Second Saturday in Lent

Saturday Lent II: Missa “Lex Domini” The Station at Sts. Marcellinus and Peter is in the basilica founded by St. Helen on

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Saturday Lent II: Statio ad Ss Marcellinum et Petrum

Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, a saving virtue to our fast: that the chastisement of the flesh, which we have taken

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Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Second Friday in Lent

The Church, as though she feared that the very splendour of her liturgy might lead simple folk into thinking that Christianity consisted merely in holding functions and receiving the sacraments, insists continually in her Lenten formulas that we should by our good works, give reality to what is so sublimely expressed in the liturgy. In the liturgy the theme is God’s repeated appeal through His prophets to an unrepentant people.

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Second Wednesday in Lent

The privilege which Jesus concedes to His chosen friends is that of drinking His chalice. The draught is bitter, but it gives strength to the soul. Love is nourished on sacrifice and pain. The more we love Jesus, the more we shall suffer for Him.

Morning Prayers for the Second Wednesday in Lent ~ Dom Prosper Guéranger

During the season of Lent, the Christian, on waking in the morning, will unite himself with the Church… 

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Second Tuesday in Lent

The Mass recalls our needs and places them before God. In the final Benediction of the people, we pray that the divine mercy may favourably accept our supplications, and heal the diseases of our souls, so that having obtained the forgiveness of our sins, we may truly rejoice in the blessing of God.