Evening Meditations for Easter Monday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

Let us imagine to ourselves a soul which, on departing out of this world, enters into eternity in the grace of God. All full of humility and of confidence, it presents itself before Jesus, its Judge and Saviour. Jesus embraces it, gives it His benediction, and causes it to hear these words of sweetness: Come, my spouse, come! Thou shalt be crowned! If the soul have need of being purified, He sends it to Purgatory, and, all resigned, it embraces the chastisement, because itself wishes not to enter into Heaven, that land of purity, if it is not wholly purified… 

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation: Easter Monday

Meditations for every day of the year by Bishop ✠Richard Challoner

Today’s Homily: Easter Monday ✠Jerome OSJV – YouTube

ReadingsLesson: Acts 10:37-43Gospel: St Luke 24:13-35 Today’s Homily: Easter Monday – YouTube

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Easter Monday

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Easter Monday

Easter Monday ~ Dom Prosper Guéranger

So ample and so profound is the mystery of the glorious Pasch, that an entire week may well be spent in its meditation. Yesterday, we limited ourselves to our Redeemer’s rising from the tomb, and showing Himself, in six different apparitions, to them that were dear to Him. We will continue to give Him the adoration, gratitude, and love, which are so justly do to Him for the triumph, which is both His and ours; but it also behooves us respectfully to study the lessons conveyed by the Resurrection of our divine Master, that thus the light of the great mystery may the more plentifully shine upon us, and our joy be greater…

Spiritual Reading for Easter Monday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

Justice and peace, have kissed (Ps. lxxxiv. 11). Peace resides in every soul in which justice dwells. Hence David said: Delight in the Lord, and he will give thee the requests of thy heart. (Ps. xxxvi. 4). To understand these words we must consider that worldlings seek to satisfy the desires of their hearts with the goods of this earth; but, because these cannot make them happy, their hearts continually make fresh demands; and how much soever they may acquire of these goods, they are not content. Hence the Prophet says: Delight in the Lord, and he will give thee the requests of thy heart. Give up creatures, seek your delight in God, and He will satisfy all the cravings of your heart.

Morning Meditations for Easter Monday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

Jesus died for us that by His love for us He might gain the entire dominion of our hearts. For to this end, wrote St. Paul, Christ died and rose again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. (Rom. xiv. 9). Contemplating the death of Jesus Christ, and the love with which He died for men, the Saints esteemed it little to forfeit for His sake, property, honours, and life itself.