Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation: October 11th

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: The Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

When Mary of Nazareth conceived in Her womb the Word of God, that conception was the effect of the fullness of Her grace, and of an action of the Holy Spirit which occurred in Her soul first of all, thereby making of Her flesh a tabernacle and a sanctuary.

Spiritual Reading for Wednesday – Nineteenth Week After Pentecost

St. Teresa herself practised earnestly what she taught to others. When she was called to give herself wholly to God, she gave herself to Him without reserve, and with so strong a resolution, that to oblige herself to search out whatever might give the most pleasure to her Beloved, she went so far as to bind herself by that sublime vow, at which the Saints have been filled with astonishment, and which is styled by the sacred tribunal of the Rota, “a very difficult vow,” always to do what she understood to be the most perfect. Herein Teresa exhibits to us the courage and the resolution with which she aimed at the highest perfection to which a soul upon earth can attain, in order that she might please God to the utmost of her power.

Morning Meditation for Wednesday – Nineteenth Week after Pentecost ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

An ardent desire for sanctity is a great means for becoming a saint. God does not bestow the abundance of His graces except on those souls who hunger for them. Our Saint says we must not set bounds to our desires, but must hope by God’s grace to reach the heights the Saints have reached.

Evening Meditations for the Nineteenth Tuesday After Pentecost~ St Alphonsus Liguori

The important thing is to embrace the will of God in all things which befall us, not only when they are favourable, but when they are contrary to our desires. When things go on well even sinners find no difficulty in being conformed to the Divine will; but the Saints are in conformity even under circumstances which run counter, and are mortifying, to self-love. It is herein that the perfection of our love for God is shown.

Carissimi: Today’s Mass; St Paulinus of York

Carissimi: Today’s Mass; St Paulinus of York

Today’s Saint(s): St Francis Borgia

Saint Francis Borgia, named for Francis of Assisi at his birth in 1510, was placed under the tutelage of his uncle, Archbishop of Saragossa, after the death of his mother when he was ten years old. Soon he had to go to the court of Spain, as he was destined to be one of the great lords of that nation. There he remained Christian, modest and virtuous.

Spiritual Reading for Tuesday – Nineteenth Week After Pentecost

The whole life of Teresa was one continual exercise of the love of God, and a constant study of what might best please her Beloved. Her very life was terminated through the violence of her love, consumed as indeed her heart was in a furnace of Divine Charity.

Morning Meditation for Tuesday – Nineteenth Week after Pentecost ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

The heart of this seraph was so on fire with the love of God that all her thoughts and all her sighs were of Divine love and the good pleasure of God. “Behold what I am always saying,” she writes in her Life, “and it seems to me I say it with all my heart: ‘O Lord, I do not think of self: I wish for nothing but for Thee alone!’ .

Evening Meditations for Monday – Nineteenth Week After Pentecost~ St Alphonsus Liguori

When Noe judged that the Deluge ought to have ceased, he sent forth the dove from the Ark. The dove returned with an olive branch significant of the peace which God had concluded with the world. This dove was a figure of Mary. “Thou art,” says St. Bonaventure, “that most faithful dove of Noe which became the most faithful Mediatrix between God and the world submerged by a spiritual deluge.”