Morning Meditation for Whit Tuesday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

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Morning Meditation


St. Teresa used to say that in this world it is impossible for all subjects to speak with their king. But everyone who wishes can find Jesus, the King of Heaven, in the Blessed Sacrament, and may speak with Him without restraint.


St. Teresa used to say that in this world it is impossible for all subjects to speak with their king. The most the poor can hope for is to convey what they have to say to him by means of some third person. But to speak with Thee, O King of Heaven, there is no need of any third person. Everyone who wishes may find Thee in the Holy Sacrament, and may speak to Thee without restraint. For this reason it is, says the same Saint, that Jesus has concealed His majesty under the appearance of bread, to give us confidence, and to take away from us all fear of approaching Him. Ah! how does Jesus hourly exclaim from our altars: Come to me all you who labour and are burdened, and I will refresh you-(Matt. xi. 28). Come, He says to us-come, ye poor; come, ye infirm; come, ye afflicted; come ye just and sinners, and you shall find in Me a remedy for all your losses and afflictions. Such is the desire of Jesus Christ to console all who have recourse to Him. He remains night and day upon our altars that He may be found by all, and may bestow His favours upon all.

O my Jesus, I could even die of grief when I think that hitherto I have loved creatures and my own gratification more than Thee, by turning my back upon Thee, my sovereign Good. But Thou wouldst not suffer me to be lost; Thou hast borne with me with so much patience, and, instead of chastising me, hast wounded my heart with so many darts of love that I can no longer resist Thy allurements, and have now given myself to Thee. I see that Thou wouldst have me all Thine. But since Thou desirest this, do Thou effect it, for it is Thou that must do it. Detach all my affections from myself and from creatures, and grant that I may seek no other but thee, nor think of any other, nor speak of any but Thee, and that I may desire and sigh only to burn with Thy love, to live and to die for Thee. O love of my Jesus, come and occupy my whole heart, and expel from it all love that is not for God. I love Thee, O Jesus, present in the Holy Sacrament. I love Thee, my Life, my Treasure, and my All. O Mary, pray for me, and make me belong entirely to Jesus.


The Saints here in this world experienced such delight in remaining before Jesus in, the Blessed Sacrament that days and nights appeared to them but as moments. The Countess of Feria, having become a Poor Clare was never wearied remaining in the choir in sight of the tabernacle. Being one day asked what she was doing so long before the Blessed Sacrament, she answered with surprise: “What was I doing before the Blessed Sacrament-what was I doing? I was thanking, loving, arid asking!” St. Philip Neri, at the sight of the Blessed Sacrament, exclaimed: “Behold my Love! Behold all my Love!” Ah! if Jesus Christ were our whole love, our days and nights in His presence would also appear as moments. From this day forward, 0 Jesus, I hope to be able to say always of Thee, when visiting Thee on the altar: “Behold my Love! Behold all my Love!” Yes, my beloved Redeemer, I desire to love no other but Thee; I desire only Thee, Who art the only love of my soul.

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