Evening Meditations for Whit Saturday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

And let us have great faith in prayer. God has promised to hear him that prays: Ask, and you shall receive. How can we doubt, says St. Augustine, since God has bound Himself by express promise, and cannot fail to grant us the favours we ask of Him? “By promising He has made Himself our debtor.”

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation: Whit Saturday

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation

Carissimi: Today’s Mass; Whit Ember Saturday

Carissimi: Today’s Mass; Whit Ember Friday

Spiritual Reading for Whit Saturday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

And my delights are to be with the children of men -(Prov. viii. 31). Behold, our Jesus, Who, not satisfied with dying on earth for our love, is pleased even after His death to dwell with us in the Holy Sacrament, declaring that He finds His delights among men.

Morning Meditation for Whit Saturday ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

Oh, with what desire does Jesus Christ pant to come into our hearts in Holy Communion! With desire have I desired to eat this pasch with you before I suffer (Luke xxii. I5). “This is the voice of most ardent charity”-(St. Laurence Justinian).