The most Catholic opera: Dialogues of the Carmelites w/ Robert Reilly | Catholic Culture Podcast 152 – YouTube

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Author and music critic Robert Reilly joins the podcast to discuss one of the greatest operas ever composed, Francis Poulenc’s 1957 Dialogues des Carmélites, which host Thomas Mirus recently saw at the Metropolitan Opera. Based on the true story of sixteen Carmelite nuns who were martyred in the French Revolution (famously singing the Salve Regina as they went to the guillotine), the opera is an adaptation of Georges Bernanos’s play, which in turn was adapted from Gertrud von le Fort’s novella Song at the Scaffold.

With outstanding spiritual realism, Dialogues dramatizes the inner struggle of a soul. Its examination of the complex blend of motives for pursuing a religious vocation, the fear of death, and the transference of grace, is all the more moving when combined with Poulenc’s gorgeous music.

The most Catholic opera: Dialogues of the Carmelites w/ Robert Reilly | Catholic Culture Podcast 152 – YouTube
The most Catholic opera: Dialogues of the Carmelites w/ Robert Reilly | Catholic Culture Podcast 152

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