Evening Meditations for the Twenty-first Tuesday After Pentecost~ St Alphonsus Liguori

We must above all be conformed to the will of God in regard to our death, as to the time and manner of it. St. Gertrude one day, when climbing a hill, slipped and fell into a ravine. Her companions asked her afterwards whether she would not have been afraid to die without the Sacraments?

Spiritual Reading for Tuesday – Twentieth Week After Pentecost

When the dignity of Cardinal was offered to St. Philip Neri, he cast his biretta into the air, and, looking up to Heaven, replied: “Paradise! Paradise!” The Blessed Giles would fall into an ecstasy, when the children, out of frolic, said to him: “Brother Giles, Paradise! Paradise!”

Morning Meditation for Tuesday – Twentieth Week after Pentecost ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

Death is an object of the greatest terror to souls attached to this world. Those who love God especially desire it. St. Teresa in thinking of the danger she ran as long as life lasted, of offending God and losing Him, used to say that a single day, even a single hour was too long to have to live. “Alas! Lord, as long as we remain in this miserable life, life eternal is in jeopardy.”