Night Prayers for Lent ~ Dom Prosper Guéranger

During the season of Lent, the Christian, on preparing for sleep, will unite himself with the Church… 

Evening Meditations for the Third Monday in Lent ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

As St. Laurence Justinian says, with St. Peter Damian, the thorns were so long that they penetrated even to the brain: “The thorns perforating the brain.” While the gentle Lamb let Himself be tormented according to their will, without speaking a word, without crying out, but closely compressing His eyes through the anguish, He frequently breathed forth, at that time, bitter sighs, as is the wont of one undergoing a torture which has brought him to the point of death, according as was revealed to the Blessed Agatha of the Cross: “..

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation: On the great advantages of devotion to the Passion of Christ

Meditations for every day of the year by Bishop ✠Richard Challoner

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: Third Monday in Lent

The scriptural passages read to-day have in mind the Eastern origin of the titular patrons of the Basilica, and tell us, therefore, of the Syrian Naaman, who, rejecting the grander rivers of Damascus, was cleansed from his leprosy in the lesser waters of the Jordan. Catechumen desiring to be healed from the leprosy of infidelity and original sin, must humble themselves, and, abandoning the rivers of Damascus- that is, the attractions if their former worldly life- must wash themselves clean in the pure waters of holy baptism.

Station Monday Lent III: Statio ad St Marcum

Station Monday Lent III: Statio ad St Marcum

Spiritual Reading for the Third Monday in Lent ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

“God is merciful.” Who denies this? Yet, nevertheless how many does not God daily send to hell! God shows mercy; but to whom? His mercy is towards them that fear him.

Morning Meditations for the Third Monday in Lent ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

“God is merciful.” Who denies this? Yet, nevertheless how many does not God daily send to hell! God shows mercy; but to whom? His mercy is towards them that fear him.

Morning Prayers for the Third Monday in Lent ~ Dom Prosper Guéranger

During the season of Lent, the Christian, on waking in the morning, will unite himself with the Church…