Evening Meditations for Friday after the Octave of the Ascension ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

He that leaves off prayer, will leave off loving Jesus Christ. Prayer is the blessed furnace where the fire of holy love is enkindled and kept alive: And in my meditation a fire shall flame out-(Ps. xxxviii. 4). It was said by St. Catherine of Bologna: “The person that foregoes the practice of prayer breaks the chain which binds the soul to God.”

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation: Friday after the Octave of the Ascension

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation

Carissimi: Today’s Mass; Friday after the Ascension Octave

Carissimi: Today’s Mass; Friday after the Ascension Octave

Spiritual Reading for Friday after the Octave of the Ascension ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

You say again: I abstain from Communion to escape the censure of others that see my imperfections and rebuke me for communicating so frequently. To this pretext I answer: If you communicate with the advice of your director, and through a motive of advancing in divine love or of correcting your defects, be not disturbed by the complaints or censures of others. According to Blessed John of Avila, they who censure others for frequent Communion perform the office of the devil. Will you then pay attention to their remarks?

Morning Meditation for Friday after the Octave of the Ascension ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

As the Holy Ghost is the indissoluble bond which unites the Father and the Eternal Word, so also is He the bond that unites our souls and God. O Love, Thy bond is so strong that it is able to bind even God and unite Him to our souls!…