Evening Meditations for the Thirteenth Tuesday After Pentecost~ St Alphonsus Liguori

The Cross began to torture Jesus Christ before He was nailed upon it; for after He was condemned by Pilate, the Cross on which He was to die was given Him to carry to Calvary, and, without refusing, He took it upon His shoulders. Speaking of this, St. Augustine writes: “If we regard the wickedness of His tormentors, the insult was great; if we regard the love of Jesus, the mystery is great; for in carrying the Cross, our Captain then lifted up the Standard under which His followers upon this earth must be enrolled and fight, in order to be made His companions in the kingdom of Heaven.”

Today’s ✠Challoner Meditation: August 29th

AUGUST 29TH ON THE OTHER FRUITS OF HUMILITY Consider first, that the moral virtues, as well as the theological, have

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Carissimi: Today’s Mass; The Beheading of St John the Baptist

Carissimi: Today’s Mass; The Decollation of St John the Baptist

Spiritual Reading for Tuesday – Thirteenth Week After Pentecost

The second argument by which it is proved that Mary was more holy in the first moment of her existence than all the Saints together, is founded on the great office of Mediatress of men, with which she was charged from the beginning; and which made it necessary that she should possess a greater treasure of grace from the beginning than all other men together.

Morning Meditation for Tuesday – Thirteenth Week after Pentecost ~ St Alphonsus Liguori

What is your life? St. James answers: It is a vapour. After death the rich man is carried out of his palace to return no more! His servants accompany him to the grave, and leave him there to be devoured by worms! Why is earth and ashes proud?