Carissimi; Today’s Mass: The Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with St Joseph

January 23rd is the traditional day of the feast called “The Espousal of the Virgin Mary with St Joseph.” Although never on the general Calendar, it was kept by many religious orders, especially those with a particular devotion to the Virgin Mary, and on many local calendars…

Carissimi; Today’s Mass: SS. Vincent & Anastasius, Martyrs

Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon (also known as Vincent of Aragon) Born in Huesca, Spain; died January 22, 304. He was educated and ordained a deacon by Bishop Saint Valerius of Saragossa with the commission to preach… Anastasius the Persian (also known as Magundat) died at Bethsaloe, Assyria, January 22, 628. According to his Greek biographer, Magundat was a young Persian soldier in the army of King Chosroes II when it captured Jerusalem in 614…

U.S. bishop with a Salvadoran heart weighs in on historic beatifications | Crux

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — As El Salvador gets ready for four beatifications Jan. 22, a U.S. bishop who spent

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Pope Francis Declares St. Irenaeus ‘Doctor of Unity’| National Catholic Register

“St. Irenaeus of Lyon, who came from the East, exercised his episcopal ministry in the West: he was a spiritual

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Carissimi; Today’s Mass: St Agnes, Virgin & Martyr

Martyred for her faith at the early age of twelve, Saint Agnes was one of the youngest-known named martyrs in the Communion of Saints. She was born into a wealthy Roman aristocratic family and was remarkable for her beauty as a child. But the true beauty was interior and as a youth she vowed to live a life of purity and chastity, consecrating herself as a virgin…

Pope receives proposal to declare St. Irenaeus a doctor of the church | Crux

ROME — Pope Francis received a formal recommendation to declare St. Irenaeus of Lyon a doctor of the church, the

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Carissimi; Today’s Mass: SS. Fabian & Sebastian Martyrs

Pope Saint Fabian was a layman when elected pope, a position he held from January 10, 236 until his martyrdom on January 20, 250. St Sebastian died in 288 under Diocletian…

Today’s Saint: SS. Fabian & Sebastian, Martyrs

Pope Saint Fabian was a layman when elected pope, a position he held from January 10, 236 until his martyrdom on January 20, 250. St Sebastian died in 288 under Diocletian…

Mother Maravillas de Jesús: Guarding the Teresian Reform – OnePeterFive

Author’s Preface: The following article pertains to the ongoing campaign against traditional contemplative life unleashed by Pope Francis. I had

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The Sign From Which Demons Flee –

There’s one argument that Athanasius makes for the Christian faith that is very peculiar, at least to our modern ears. The Sign

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