God Weeps When We Disregard the Holy Eucharist| National Catholic Register

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From its very beginnings, faith in the Eucharist has been the minority’s position: the majority found it “hard.” It’s true of Jesus’ day, and it’s true of Christianity today: while Catholics and Eastern Orthodox have preserved faith in the Blessed Sacrament, Protestant groups long ago — within the first generation of their founders — abandoned the Eucharist. Some kept on celebrating it, though few with frequency, but none with the understanding that Jesus Christ is really and truly present, body and soul, humanity and divinity, in this sacrament. It has always struck me as an immense paradox that, to the degree that Protestant denominations became increasingly Scriptural literalists, they refused to read John 6 for what it plainly says.

God Weeps When We Disregard the Holy Eucharist| National Catholic Register

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