Archbishop Gänswein indicates in new interview that many Cardinals would have been happier with Cardinal Scola as Pope

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Father Georg: “Many cardinals today would be in harmony with Angelo Scola as Pope”

Gänswein, Ratzinger’s secretary: “I have personal esteem and sympathy for the former cardinal of Milan. But I can’t say anything else, in Santa Marta there is great sensitivity”

“I think quite a few cardinals would have comfortably lived with Angelo Scola being Pope”. The words seem to flow comfortably in the broad smile that accompanies them. Father Georg Gänswein, personal secretary of Joseph Ratzinger for almost twenty years, does not look for polemical ideas or catchphrases, but does not shy away from and does not get around the questions, except one.

Looking back on it now, on a Milanese spring afternoon in 2023, would you personally have appreciated the election as Pope of the then archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Angelo Scola?

“I cannot say that I was a friend of Cardinal Scola, but I am bound by a great personal sympathy and profound esteem for him. But to say certain things today, knowing that there is great sensitivity in Santa Marta…”.


Archbishop Gänswein indicates in new interview that many Cardinals would have been happier with Cardinal Scola as Pope

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